Getting to know Marnie, Senior Digital Marketing Executive
Tell us a little bit about your role as a Senior Digital Marketing Executive?
I run digital marketing campaigns across different channels like Twitter, Google, Facebook, Instagram and Spotify - all with the aim of helping clients reach their business goals, access new audiences and deliver results.
How did you get to where you are now?
I joined Torchbox in February last year - about 3 weeks before the pandemic. Before that, I worked in charities for a number of years, in roles ranging from digital marketing to web content to video production. This has made me very familiar with how things work on the client side and helps me better understand how I can help.
What do you love about your role?
For me, what underpins everything I do is ensuring that charities and nonprofits can keep supporting those who desperately need it. And this has never been more important than over the last 12 months.
My team has been so supportive and I love every minute of working with them remotely and now again in person. We’ve started a come dine with me in the team and it’s my turn soon!

Digital Marketing Team BBQ
What do you find challenging about your role?
Whilst my job works well remotely, it was a challenging year of getting to know people over Slack and Zoom calls! But the team has been amazing, and organised life drawing classes and some little chocolate parcels which definitely helped.
Which clients are you currently working with?
I’m currently working with the Health Foundation to advertise their amazing podcast, focussing on everything from food inequality to Glasgow’s lower life expectancy. I also work with MND Association on their fundraising campaigns with the extra budget we secured recently (we helped them persuade their board of directors to triple their marketing budget based on our campaign results).
What advice would you give to someone looking to get into Digital Marketing?
My top tips for getting into digital marketing are:
- Take a look around at what brands are doing on different platforms, and ask yourself why you might watch that video, or what might make you donate to a cause.
- Learn as much as you can about how digital marketing works - there are some amazing resources out there from SEMRush to Google.
- And finally, learn about analytics. Digital marketing is a numbers game, and this will help you understand them a bit better - which in turn can help you explain findings to people at different levels of a business.