Ian Bellchambers

I’m responsible for Torchbox’s ongoing investment in the development and marketing of the open source product – aligning the work we do with the public roadmap and our vision for Wagtail – and for developing the range of specialist Wagtail CMS services we offer to organisations with engineering teams using Wagtail.
Over the last 20+ years, I’ve worked with hundreds of organisations, large and small, local, national and international, with the goal of using technology to achieve positive social and environmental impact.
Having steered new business at Torchbox from 2002 to 2016, I spent several years working in the world of technology co-operatives, including as a Member and Director of a #techforgood worker co-op, gaining new skills and experience in non-hierarchical organisation design, decision-making, facilitation, and worker-ownership, before returning to Torchbox in October 2022.
Outside of work, when I’m not planning my next extended train journey around Europe, you’ll usually find me on a bike or in a canoe, or making excuses not to go to the allotment when it’s raining.