Devon Bonner-Smith

As Operations Coordinator, I support the wider business and ensure that our offices are open and running efficiently. For the HR side of the role, I support Gemma with arranging interviews, screening candidates, onboarding new starters and also helping to implement new processes.
I enjoy collaborating with a variety of people at Torchbox from Directors to Developers to help support them with day to day requests and ensure they have the right information needed for various projects.
I love to help and support people; this is something I learnt in my previous role working in animal welfare. I always see the best in people and have an open mind on new changes to policies and procedures.
I love being outdoors and exploring new places in the UK and also around the world. I prefer animals to people and have 4 cats. We have had them since they were 12 weeks old and they are now 16 years. I hope to retire when I am 50 and open a little cafe where old people can come and sit all day, read books and just shut the world out.