Oxford Geek Nights!

Oxford Geek Nights are back! #OGN54 will take place on the evening of Wednesday 11th October 2023 at the Jericho Tavern.
Oxford Geek Night is a regular meet-up for the tech scene in Oxford run by Torchbox.
We have keynote talks of 15 minutes each, followed by 5-minute micro-slots and a musical interlude. Doors will open at 7:00 pm with proceedings kicking off at 7:30 pm. With a number some OGN favourites speaking, free beers courtesy of Perspectum, and the chance to catch up and network with the best of the tech scene in Oxford, you won't want to miss it.
Come and hear an awesome line-up of talks including:
- Sylwia Korsak talking about Geek Therapies
- Rosie Chandler with a session on How to Teach Programming to Kids
- Andrew Katz discussing Copyright and AI
- Ruth Trevor-Allen with an interactive session on Imposter Syndrome
In addition, we have a quiz with a chance to win a stylish OGN cap! 😎
Please join us, we'd love to see you there! Don't forget to RSVP on our meetup event.
Get involved
We're always looking for speakers. Talks are short, 15 minutes for the main talks, and often 5-minute talks slots too. Short talks suit the format of the evening which is a fun, social meetup. The 5-minute slots are particularly good for people who don't have as much experience in giving talks and want to give it a go. We are keen to encourage diversity of speakers, and we would especially welcome more women.
People share passion projects, experiments, interesting technology, and philosophical ideas. We want to hear what you are doing or thinking about, but please avoid recruitment pitches during the talks (save that for the Pitch slot at the end of the evening). Talks don't have to be deep tech, we like to keep it varied, and even design-orientated talks are welcome. So, if you've got a talk or an idea for a talk, get in touch via [email protected] or complete this speaker enquiry form.