
Rob Salmon

Director of Digital Marketing

Please take our Google Ad Grants survey

1 min read

We are in the process of putting together a Guide To Google Ad Grants which we plan to launch at the ECF conference in Oxford in April.

If you’re new to Ad Grants, Google provides eligible charities with $10,000 a month to spend on AdWords, Google's pay-per-click advertising system. If you fulfil certain criteria, you can apply for Grantspro. If approved, that means $40,000 a month to spend.


Google Grants

We regularly meet charities who either haven’t got a Google Ad Grant or aren’t spending the media spend they have at their disposal.

This is backed up by reports from a few years ago that said the average Google Ad Grant recipient only spends $300 a month of the $10,000 available.

We work with charities to help them with their Ad Grants and we’re running a survey to find out if charities have an Ad Grant and how they use it.

We’ll do all we can to make the Ad Grants Guide as useful as it can be and it would be brilliant if you could spare ten minutes to fill out our survey!

We’re going to put all those who complete the survey into a draw to win £500 for the charity of their choice.

We’ll also of course give you the chance to receive the Ad Grants Guide which the survey findings will help us with.