
Anneliese Paul

Content Lead

Watch a giant Wagtail perch in our office!

Related post categories Wagtail Culture
1 min read

Wagtail is 3 years old and has brightened up the CMS world from NASA to the NHS so it's high time we brightened up the office where it all started. We commissioned Andy Council to capture and celebrate the global community of Wagtail developers and users with a 'Wagtail International Mural' in our Charlbury office. 

See Andy painting the mural and our team’s reaction: 

Video Thumbnail

One of the brilliant things about Wagtail is the active and enthusiastic developer community.  Recent sprints include developers collaborating in Cape Town, Amsterdam, Iceland, and Germany. We're excited to be hosting the next sprint in Bristol 18th-20th October, if you'd like to get involved, you can sign up now.

Open-source collaboration of developers around the world means Wagtail's constantly improving. We’re proud to be the founding developers and, like many other organisations, we continue to invest heavily in developing Wagtail. New versions come out every two months, with a mix of new features and improvements submitted by the global community. If you haven't yet, take a look at Wagtail.