
Jenny Hearn

SEO Consultant

I help our clients reach more of their audience through search engines like Google, and ensure the new digital products we design and build are successful and impactful in terms of SEO.

SEO is complementary to the work we do in UX and content design for our clients: we design content and structure it in a way that ensures users can find the answers they are looking for through search – and they find these answers on our clients’ websites or digital products. I lead on the SEO for the main SEO for the main NHS, which has gone from strength to strength.

I have a decade of experience in SEO across technical and content projects. I advocate for SEO because more often than not organic is the largest traffic channel for our client sites, and it's worth protecting and growing this free source of traffic. I enjoy exploring new opportunities to make websites more visible, by finding new topics, or missing user needs, to meet with new content. If you can’t already tell I’m an SEO evangelist - I like training, mentoring and talking about it!

At Torchbox I’m a member of the wellbeing voice group as I’m passionate about putting employees' wellbeing at the heart of what we do and I also take part in Torchbox activities like the beach clean for the Marine Conservation Society and ‘plastic free July’.

I have a broad range of interests that vary from month to month. This year I’ve tried my hand at gardening, composting, cooking, DIY, crocheting, knitting and taking a clowning course!