Chris Lawton

I build digital platforms that ensure a slick cross-platform user experience which help companies fulfil their business aspirations.
During my time at Torchbox I’ve worked with Mozilla, Samaritans, Oxfam and more recently the Marine Conservation Society through understanding their goals and requirements and delivering an end product which met their expectations. I’m always learning and have recently started to pick up Python and Django which will certainly help in future projects.
I'm not only passionate about creating seamless user-experiences but how that can be done in the most efficient way.
Leading on the build of the Marine Conservation Society site resulted in 10x smaller page size and 5x fewer requests to load the page compared to the previous site. This will certainly result in happy users, happy Google search results, longer-lasting smartphone battery charges, a lower environmental impact and makes it possible for people on low data-capped connections to access the site. All round, a big success!
Outside of work I taught myself to play guitar and am currently doing the same for piano (although it's proving trickier!). On Sunday you can find me in front of the TV for the F1.